I am ecstatic this first entry is finally coming to fruition. Starting a blog has been something I have wanted to do since I started OC Mommy and Me over 18 months ago. Over 200 mommies and babies later, here I am! Wow!

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that in only 18 short months, OC Mommy and Me would have so many moms in past groups and so much support from the community. Physicians, experts, sponsors, therapists, birth professionals and so many more have shown an incredible amount of support for our program.

Being a mom was a very hard transition for me. I am often extremely hard on myself and don’t give myself enough credit. I am an emotional person and cry alongside many moms during our groups. Each review and testimonial a mom writes warms my heart in a way they’ll never truly understand and inspires me to consistently make our groups the best in Orange County. I am beyond grateful that I am able to share in the parenting journey with so many OC mamas!

As some of you know, I now have two beautiful boys: my 3 year old, Jack, and 4 month old, Asher. When I got pregnant with Asher I was just a few months into my new venture. I was horribly sick for many months of my pregnancy and just wasn’t able to do all of the things I wanted to. Having two babies has kept me quite busy the last 4 months, along with the fact that Asher is what they call a “high needs” baby. But, I am not one to stay dormant for long and it had been too long since my creative juices were flowing.

This blog will be a place for a lot of fun things! My stories, tips and tricks, giveaways from my many sponsors, guest entries from my AMAZING team of experts and so much more. I am so excited to embark on this next chapter and thrilled you will be coming along for the ride.

I love any and all input, so please feel free to contact me if there’s something you’d like to see here.

Welcome aboard! Let’s have some fun!